Users can now create and manage document stamps directly from the Documents Tab. Click on the Tools menu and select Manage Document Stamps to open the Manage Document Stamps dialogue.

Create a new stamp:

Click on the Create A New Stamp button on the bottom left corner of the Manage Document Stamps dialogue to open the Document Stamp dialogue, and set up the  following:

  • Stamp  Name – the main identifying label for the stamp within the workspace.
  • Header  – the main text that will appear on each stamp.
  • Body –  the metadata field values that will appear under the header, i.e., Beg Bates.
  • Footer  – any other preferred line of text, i.e., the case name; will appear under the  Body.
  • Border width, background color and the stamp’s position on each document can be customized here as well.
  • Templates  can also be applied to the stamp format; click on the Templates button to view the options.
  • Position - Choose the placement or position of the stamp within the document. Click on the Zoom icon to display the full-page view of the document and preview the placement of the stamp within the document. Stamp position can also be adjusted manually from the document view by clicking on a stamp and then dragging and dropping it into a new position. The new stamp position can be applied to all pages by ticking the dialogue box.
  • Distance Units - Define the unit of measure to use when setting the distance of the stamp from the edge of the document page.

To use a pre-existing stamp template, click on Templates in the upper right corner of the dialogue, and choose from the displayed templates.

Click Save to create the new stamp or to save changes made to an existing stamp. All stamps created will be listed in the Manage Documents Stamps page. 

Manage Document Stamps:

Within the Manage Document Stamps dialogue, select whether the stamp should  be applied by default to ALL documents  in the workspace or in all exports,  or both, or neither. If stamps are not applied by default, the user can always apply them to each document individually.

Check the boxes to the right of each stamp to customize settings for stamp application.

  • Check under Documents to show the stamp on all documents by default.
  • Check under Exports to show the stamp on all exported documents by default.
  • Stamps can be unapplied at a document level.

Click on Edit to make changes to a stamp, or the X corresponding to a stamp to permanently delete the stamp. 

Remember to hit Save Changes at the bottom of the dialogue to ensure all edits are applied. 

To remove a stamp from a document:

  • Right-click on the document from which a stamp is to be removed and select Document Stamps from the menu.
  • In the Stamp Chooser dialogue box, within the Display section, click on the down arrow to view the options for either the documents in Opus 2 or in exports. 
  • Select Hide under the desired setting (in exports, within the platform or both) to remove the stamp from the document.
  • An X confirms that a stamp is hidden from a document. Simply change the option to Show if the stamp is to be displayed again.