These simple steps are helpful for users who come across duplicate documents in a workspace that already contain some work product (such as notes and annotations), and would like to remove those duplicates while preserving the work product with the master/original document.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to the MASTER (marked by a GREEN asterisk icon) document within the workspace and right-click so that the drop-down menu appears. Select Import Notes.
  2. This will open up the Select A Document dialogue. 
  3. Locate and select the Duplicate document (marked by a RED asterisk icon) containing the Notes or annotations that need to be imported into the Master document, and hit Apply
  4. The Notes Importer dialog box will appear. Confirm the number of Notes being imported and click on the small document icon on the bottom right corner of the prompt. This will start the import.
  5. Once done, check the Master document to confirm that the notes were correctly imported. If all notes are confirmed to be correctly imported, the duplicate can be removed from the workspace.