Case Migration: Transfer Your Case Data from Other Platforms into Opus 2
Opus 2 has several migration protocols available for transferring existing cases and data into our system. The details below serve as an overview for clients who are planning to migrate cases from a legacy platform into Opus 2. The Client Success Team will provide more detailed instructions and processes specific to your needs and schedule. Customized migration protocols are also available.
LiveNote 10
Opus 2 allows users to directly import LiveNote 10 cases using PCF files exported from the LiveNote platform. Optional migration services are available if you prefer that Opus 2 Support facilitates the import of all identified cases on your behalf.
Migrated Elements
Migration includes the transfer of all transcripts, exhibits (hyperlinked where they already exist), and work product (i.e. annotations, issue codes). Video migration is not contemplated in a standard migration plan, but can be accommodated upon request.
Required Files / Information
Client will provide LiveNote PCF files for each case to be migrated as well as any supporting documents or exhibits.
Case Notebook (SQL-backed) & TextMap
Cases being migrated from SQL-backed version of Case Notebook and TextMap are handled similarly – both are migrated using back-end tools with the heavy lifting being handled by Opus 2 staff. The client provides the required files and supporting documentation. An initial test migration is completed prior to the bulk migration to conform the process to your desired outcome. Initial QC review is conducted by Opus 2, with final review and comparison being conducted by client.
Migrated Elements
There are currently four elements that are included in the migration: transcripts, exhibits (hyperlinked where they already exist), work product (i.e. annotations, issue codes), and designations. Migration of Chronologies, Key Facts, Characters, Outlines, and video is not contemplated in a standard migration plan, but can be accommodated upon request.
Required Files / Information
We’ll need the following files exported from Case Notebook for each case to be migrated:
- .BAK files, which are SQL backups of the database
- casename.DIR folder, which will contain the database content subfolders like Transcripts, Exhibits, PTX transcripts, and the PEX exhibits (which are zipped pdfs)
- All files for each case should be in one folder under the case name as you would like the workspace named in Opus 2. Clients often use this step to create a consistent naming structure, if one doesn’t currently exist.
We also need a corresponding Excel document with columns for each of the following pieces of information. This assures that all materials and cases and synched up appropriately.
- Folder name (which will be the Opus 2 workspace name)
- .BAK filename
- .DIR filepath
- Indication of priority for migration (if appropriate)
Each case must be in its own folder and contain in the root of the case folder:
- .BAK file
- .DIR/ folder
Legacy CaseMap cases are migrated using back-end tools with the heavy lifting being handled by Opus 2 staff. The client provides the required files and supporting documentation. An initial test migration is completed prior to the bulk migration to conform the process to your desired outcome. Initial QC review is conducted by Opus 2, with final review and comparison being conducted by client.
Migrated Elements
Migration can include various elements, including Persons, Documents, Facts, and All Objects.
Required Files / Information
Client will provide a CSV file for each element to be migrated (Persons, Documents, Facts, and All Objects) as well as any supporting documents or exhibits.