Enterprise-level clients only. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

Opus 2 allows you to use the same username and password that you use to log on to the firm's network. This method of authentication uses a Windows Server protocol called LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). LDAP is used to store your credentials in a network security system and retrieve it with your password and encrypted key giving you access to the services.

Step-by-step guide

You must be a System Admin (not a Workspace Admin) in order to add users to your Opus 2 server using LDAP.

  1. Navigate to the LDAP Configuration page within System, and fill in the information for the firm's LDAP server. Please seek assistance from your technical team or contact [email protected] if you do not have this information or need additional assistance. 
  2. Choose Import Users. Check the box(es) next to the names of the desired users and click on Import.
  3. Once the users have been added, you must return to the Users tab in the System Admin and adjust the Authentication settings for those users prior to adding them to a workspace.
    1. Select the User in the Users tab.
    2. Under the Settings menu, choose Authenticate with LDAP for that user. You should see LDAP next to that user under the LDAP Configuration column.
    3. You may convert as many users as needed to LDAP Authentication at once, so long as you have not yet added those users to any workspace.
  4. Add users to workspaces using the Users tab within System Admin, and not the workspace user page. When using LDAP, you must always add internal users via the LDAP configuration page.
  5. Select the user, go to Tools, and choose Add to Workspace.



Users who are initially set to authenticate using Opus 2 credentials and then switched to LDAP authentication may experience a disruption in their ability to access Opus 2. If this occurs, consider reaching out to [email protected] for additional support. Deleting and re-adding a user who has created work product within Opus 2 could result in lost or disassociated work product.