1. I uploaded some documents and they seem to have gone through the Uploader, but I don't see them in the folder.
It may be that your browser needs a quick refresh to display the new content. Refresh your browser and then check the folder again to see if you can now view the newly loaded documents.
If this doesn't help, check the Upload Manager to see if your documents might still be going through the OCR process. The Upload Manager is a good place to monitor the status of an upload job.
2. In the Upload window, I get a message that says "stalled, possible network problems". What does this mean?
This issue usually occurs due to one or more of the following scenarios:
- Your local Internet connection is weak or has been interrupted, OR you are working on a WiFi network instead of having "hard-wired" connectivity or a direct network connection, which is recommended.
- You are uploading from a hard drive/flash drive or network drive; it is recommended that you copy over the files for upload onto your local drive prior to upload.
- The document currently in the queue for upload is very large or has some content issues (garbage or foreign characters/password protection, etc.). Either remove the document from the queue and upload it on its own, or attempt to open it locally and check for any issues, and once resolved, proceed to upload the document(s) again.
3. My upload task is progressing very slowly in the Upload window.
This can be attributed to one or more of the below factors:
- Your local Internet connection is weak or has been interrupted, OR you are working on a WiFi network instead of having "hard-wired" connectivity or a direct network connection, which is recommended.
- You are uploading from a hard drive/flash drive or network drive; it is recommended that you copy over the files for upload onto your local drive prior to upload.
- The document currently in the queue for upload is very large or has some content issues (garbage or foreign characters/password protection, complex/large embedded objects, etc.) that Opus 2 is struggling to process. Either remove the document from the queue and upload it on its own, or attempt to open it locally and check for any issues, and once resolved, proceed to upload the document(s) again.
4. I uploaded a batch of documents and, upon checking the Upload Manager, I see a "Suspected Virus" error, and the affected document(s) are highlighted in red. I have confirmed that the documents do not actually have a virus. What does this mean?
The "Suspected Virus" error normally appears when the upload function is getting overwhelmed, either by a high number of documents, or a batch of large documents. When this error shows for a document in the Upload Manager, it means the document has NOT gone through. It will need to be uploaded again, and it is highly recommended that the uploads be done in small batches, well within the Opus 2 upload thresholds.
When encountering this error, it is best to keep upload batches at 100 documents or less, and even smaller if the batch hits 1.5 GB total. Please see the Upload Thresholds and Best Practices guide document for more information.
5. How can I remove an upload job from the Upload Manager queue if it appears to be stuck or timed out?
Users should first do some checking to confirm that an upload job is indeed stuck. Even a larger batch of documents, if kept within the upload threshold of 1.5 GB or less, should not take more than a couple hours to complete. You can also check the OCR progress, which appears in percentages in the Upload Manager. If the percentage does not seem to be progressing, then it could mean that the job has timed out. If so, please request assistance from Opus 2 Support via [email protected]. The Support team can check and confirm if a job is indeed stuck, and can remove it for you. Please note that once removed, this means that NONE of the documents will have gone through and the entire batch will need to be re-uploaded.
6. What does it mean when a document is loaded as a "native"?
If a document cannot be converted to a PDF by Opus 2, thenit would be kept in its Native format. This means that the user is presented with a slipsheet rather than the actual document in PDF, and will be prompted to download it and open it in the default file format that the original was created in, through a link in the slipsheet once you click on the Document:
Examples of natives include Excel documents, audio/video files, CAD drawings etc.