Opus 2 now offers the option to export out a document that contains links, whether applied through the AUTOLINK function or by manually linking the document to other documents, so that the resulting PDF contains live links to the actual documents, which will be included in the export.

Right-click on the document and select Export.

This will trigger the Export options dialog. Select Advanced to display all options, as shown below:

Select "Yes" for Linked Documents.

For the "Include Target Reference" option, select the desired location on the page (in relation to the text) where you would like the hyperlink to appear. 

For instance, if you select "Overwrite," the hyperlink will appear OVER the corresponding reference value, as in the below screenshot:

Choosing "Left Margin" or "Right Margin" will list the hyperlinks to the left OR right of the paragraph in the text.

After selecting the desired location, you may also select the FONT SIZE for the target reference.

Make all other selections for the export, as preferred. A detailed description of the Advanced Export options can be found here. Once the desired selections are made, click on "Export."

The document containing the hyperlinks will export as a PDF, and the resulting zip file will include a folder containing all the linked documents in PDF version as well.