Creating folders and uploading documents in Opus 2 is a simple, straightforward process. Text-searchable PDFs are the recommended format for uploaded documents, but Opus 2 can perform OCR on the documents as well if a PDF is not OCR'd at the time of upload.


Click on the destination folder and click the Upload button located on the toolbar of the Opus 2 Documents tab, which will trigger the Upload Manager to open in a new tab.


Once in the Upload Manager view, drag and drop the files from your local drive. Users can drag and drop entire folder structures and/or individual/sets of selected documents directly into the Upload Manager. Opus 2 will retain the folder structure. Users can also click on the Browse For Files option in the upper left-hand box. This will allow you to select documents and folders directly from your local drive.

Once properly dragged-and-dropped/selected, the folder(s) and documents will be listed in the file name columns and will be ready for upload.

BEST PRACTICE: Please check and/or make selections for the following items prior to proceeding with upload.

1. BATCH NAME and DESTINATION FOLDER: Check that the correct folder name is assigned. If not, click on the folder name. This will trigger the "Select Destination Folder" dialog, which will allow you to assign a new folder for the upload from within the workspace. When selecting a new folder, remember to hit Apply to save the changes.

You can also assign a specific batch name to help you keep track of the upload batch, i.e., "Trial Exhibits - First Batch", especially if you are uploading multiple sets of documents. Type the desired name under Batch Name - however, this is optional, and by default, Opus will assign the date and time of the upload as the batch name if none is assisgned.

2. OCR SETTINGS - Make selections for the following:

a. Application of OCR to uploaded documents:

  •  If Needed: Opus 2 identifies documents that need OCR and only runs OCR on these. Please note that if a small                 section of the document is NOT OCR’d, i.e., a signature or handwritten text, even if the rest of the document                 is already text searchable, Opus 2 will consider the document as needing OCR and will run OCR on it, if this                  option is selected.
  • Force: Opus 2 will OCR every document, even if over the Opus 2 threshold of characters. Please note that this option may cause longer processing times, as Opus will search the text in every document and ensure everything is captured for OCR.
  • Ignore: Opus 2 will not OCR any of thedocuments. This is recommended option for very time-sensitive uploads that require immediate viewing in the workspace; documents can be uploaded without OCR initially, and then OCR can be run later.


The default setting is "IF NEEDED," if no selection is made.

            b. Language that Opus 2 will use for determining searchable text (default is English):

       c. PROCESSING:

  •   Convert to PDF - all compatible documents will be converted to PDF (if not already in PDF format at upload time).
  •   Force Native Slipsheet - natives will not be converted to PDF, but instead will show up as a slipsheet with a link to download the original file in its native format.
  •  Convert to PDF + Native Slipsheet (if conversion fails) - Opus will convert any compatible documents to PDF, but will retain native slipsheets with links to download the original file for other native documents that are not eligible for PDF conversion. (This is the default setting.)

    d. Convert bookmarks to hyperlinks: Check this option if you would like any bookmarks in the uploaded documents converted to live links in Opus 2.


The progress of the upload batch can be monitored in the Upload Manager columns.

Both the "Processing" and "Status"columns will show the upload status for each document, while "OCR" and "Pages OCR'd" provides details on OCR processing, if "Force" or "If Needed" options were selected. The green status bar at the bottom will also indicate the overall status of the upload batch.

The green status bar at the bottom will also indicate the overall status of the upload batch and the estimated time for completion.

    Once the job completes, the status will show as follows (with a green check mark for completed documents), and a summary will be displayed at the bottom. Any documents that have failed during processing or OCR will contain a red status indicating upload failure. These documents can be selected by ticking the box next to the file name, and resubmitted for processing, or removed from the batch entirely.

Any documents that have failed during processing will contain a status in red type indicating upload failure. These documents can be selected by ticking the box next to the file name, and resubmitted for processing, or removed from the batch entirely. You can filter to ONLY failed documents by using the Filter option:


If there are failed documents in a batch, or if the entire batch fails, you can opt to retry the batch by selecting this option:

Previously uploaded batches can also be viewed by selecting "Completed Batches" in the left-hand batch viewing pane:

Once uploads are completed and successful, the documents will then be ready to view within their assigned folder in the Documents tab.