This Guidance is applicable to Opus 2, version 7.9


Opus 2 is pleased to announce its new release of the Opus 2 platform. This release includes a number of quality of life changes.



Worksheet Exports

Users can now apply filters, and see this reflected in XLSX or CSV exports of the Characters worksheet.


Next and Previous Navigation

Users can now use Navigation arrows to jump between visible work product on a document.

Other Improvements

User Experience

Throughout the platform, we have made changes to various dialogues to improve the language and readability of any on-screen instruction; these include ensuring that drop downs and menu selects are resizable and stay clear and readable, even on smaller monitors. 

System Administration

In an effort to bring user management into one location, System Admins can now resend registration links for new users in bulk from the System Admin Users tab. 


Continuing our dedication to providing you with a secure platform, we have also made improvements to general security measures within the platform. 



  • Document sort order is now always preserved after metadata changes/replacements.
  • Next and Previous buttons respect document order after filter. 
  • In some workspaces, Filter by Tags would not work - this has been rectified.


  • Fixed an issue where Date Sorting would not apply on old format (pre-version 7.8) Chronologies.
  • Coloured text, URLS and Images in Description are saved, even after page refresh.
  • Some Linked Characters would cause a 403 error on Chronologies, this has been resolved.


  • Next and Previous Document buttons in the Characters display view now respect the order of Documents attached to the Character.


  • Users can now interact with Chronology links on annotations without a 403 error.
  • Notes without Characters now filter correctly.


  • Export Cover Pages now uses Tag Label rather than Tag ID.
  • Native downloads of HTM and HTML files converted to PDF will now download correctly.
  • Any signature changes made by users are now respected on exports across the platform.

Ingestion / Upload

  • Find/Search no longer breaks when target column is unselected. (Ingestion Manager)
  • Video upload no longer fails if file extension is in upper case.

Admin Tools

  • Improved verification checking with Workspace Archives, preventing document exclusion in the case of a bad filename.
  • Disabled Users no longer appear active on a cloned workspace.
  • Password reset function now ignores uppercase / lowercase email changes when issuing a reset.
  • Reset Attempts / Reset Auto-Lockout now works as expected from System Admin tab.
  • Metadata fields containing the word "Length" no longer break search results.

User Experience

  • Dialogues no longer appear off-screen on displays with high zoom.
  • Replace no longer shows in right-click menu with multiple documents selected.
  • Overlapping Notes are no longer hidden when in document view.

Need Help?

Please contact the Opus 2 Platform Support team if you have any questions.