There are four DEFAULT roles in Opus 2, with varying levels of access to functionality: Workspace Administrator, Power User, User and Viewer.

However, CUSTOM roles can also be created to fit the needs of specific case team members, particularly for users who need capabilities in Opus 2 that are not limited to a default role, or need a combination of capabilities that would otherwise be restricted to different default roles.

Create a New Custom Role

Create a New Role by clicking on the New Role button.

This will create a blank box to type in the nameof the new Role and will display checkboxes to assign the desired Capabilities for the specific Role.

Customize and edit capabilities for both existing and new Roles in the workspace: Click on Edit under the specific Role, which will display checkboxes next to the Capability. Check or uncheck the boxesaccording to the table above and to user preference, and click on Save changes.


To assign a custom role to an existing Opus 2 user, navigate to the Admin >Users page. Click on the box next to the desired user and select "Edit" from the options.

Select the new role from the list in the Edit User dialog.


Delete a Role by clicking on the next to the Edit button at the bottom of the screen.