This guide is for the application of a set of designations into one transcript at a time, by either selecting a TXT or CSV file from one's local drive or by copying the page:line-page:line designation values from the files and pasting them into the Import dialog, as detailed below. 

To add designations to multiple transcripts at the same time, please check the Bulk Designations Import guide.

Step-by-step guide

  1. In the transcript, click the Tools button (wrench icon)and choose Import Designation.

  2. The Import Designations dialogue box will display. Paste or type a list of designations, or import a file from the local drive with designations in the accepted Opus 2 format: page:line-page:line; e.g. 16:6-16:23. 

  3. Choose the type of designation in the drop-down Import As menu. Click on Import ONLY after choosing the correct Designation type. WARNING: Do not click on Import until the Designation type has been correctly selected in the drop-down Import As menu. 

  4. If the incorrect Designation Type is chosen, the designations will have to be deleted manually and re-added in the order detailed above.


  • Designation ranges must be in sequential order.
    • Incorrect: 20:15-20:12
    • Correct: 20:12-20:15
  • For a ONE-LINE designation, please fill out both sides of the range:
    • Incorrect: 20:12
    • Correct: 20:12-20:12

Opus 2 will display an error message if the range is out of bounds or out of order.