This is a reference guide to help users navigate the Relativity Integration feature. The Relativity integration is intended to seamlessly ship a specified set of documents with identified metadata into the Opus 2 platform. There is a new section on the Admin tab for integrations. This is where the Administrator will walk through the set up of the integration step by step and choose to have the job run on an automated or ad-hoc basis.
Setting up the Relativity Integration
The first thing the Administrator will have to do is enable the integration for the workspace. This is done from the Settings section within the Admin tab.
Once enabled the Administrator can navigate to the new integration sub-menu on the left-hand side of the interface. This is where new Integrations can be set up and configured. If no integration jobs exist, the Administrator will have to select the "Add a New Integration" button to open the integration job creation dialog.
The first section of the integration dialog, Credentials, is where the Administrator gets the Opus 2 workspace to talk to the Relativity workspace by entering all the Information about the Relativity environment. The Administrator will first Name the integration, this is what you will see when the Integration setup Is complete and will help distinguish between multiple integrations if they exist. The URL is for the Relativity environment and should be in the following format. Finally, the Administrator will enter the username and password for a user that exists in the corresponding Relativity environment. Once everything Is filled in correctly be sure to "Check Connection" to confirm the Opus 2 workspace is now connected to the Relativity environment. You will see a Connection Successful Indication signalling the Administrator to go to the next tab.
Under the Options section the Administrator further configures the job by selecting the specific Relativity workspace, corresponding saved search, and target folder in the Opus 2 workspace. Keep in mind this page will return all the workspaces that the Relativity user exists in, so it is important to select the correct workspace. Once the Workspace and Saved Search are selected the Administrator will get an indication on the number of documents that have been found. If that is correct, select the Target folder that you would like them to be sent to in Opus 2. Note that the "Send docs removed to trash" option refers to the fact if a document is removed from the saved search In Relativity, it will be sent to the trash in Opus 2. If everything is correct, proceed to the next tab.
The Metadata tab is where you will essentially pick and choose what text fields you want to ship with the corresponding documents. You will also be able to map the fields if there is a difference in naming. If this is a new job the Administrator will have to select "New Template" and build it out accordingly. You will want to give the template a name and then select the fields to be mapped to the existing Opus 2 fields. You will notice the Opus 2 Fields are on the left and the Relativity ones are on the Right. Once everything is mapped save the template. You can now select this template via the dropdown and proceed to the next section.
The Tags section is similar to the Metadata table with the subtle difference that it is pulling up all of the choice fields that exist in Relativity. The Administrator would then select which ones they want to be carried over for the job. All these choice fields will be created as Opus 2 tags. The structure of the choice field will be preserved and can be updated via the Manage Tags if the Administrator so chooses, for things like color. Once all of the source choice fields have been selected for Target Tags, proceed to the next section.
Under the Files section, the Administrator is selecting the version of the document that they would like carried over from Relativity into Opus 2. They will also select options for handling Natives. Since Opus 2 creates its own slip sheet for Native documents Administrators will often select the send native options for files such as Excel, audio, and video. When the file section is completed the Administrator can navigate to the next and final section of the integration job.
The Schedule section of the Integration setup is where the user simply chooses if they want the job to run on an automated basis, every 20 mins, or manual where the Administrator simply hits Run Now from the saved job every time they want to send documents from Relativity to Opus 2. Once those selections are made the job can be saved. This job will then show as a tile in the main part of the integration interface.
In conclusion, the purpose of the Relativity Integration is to allow for easy shipment of documents and corresponding metadata into an Opus 2 workspace. The Administrator will walk through the job creation to configure all of the desired options for a particular set of documents. Once the job is configured it will run on an automated or ad-hoc basis, sending documents/data to the corresponding target folder. A full history of the jobs is available as well to allow the user to do quality control if so desired. If there are any questions or you need help setting up your integration feel free to reach out to one of our experts.