Opus 2 is a secure cloud platform that unites multiple tools for litigation teams into one easy-to-use workspace that can be accessed from any connected device. It is a dynamic workspace for annotating, managing and hyperlinking key documents and transcripts. Build a case Chronology or utilize the Characters worksheets to enable the efficient management of data, arguments, themes, or persons relevant to the case.
The Documents tab allows users to access, organize and manage case documents. Within this tab, users can upload and export folders and documents, add issue tags, import document metadata or apply exhibit stamps for either entire folders or individual documents.
Creating folders and uploading documents in Opus 2 is a straightforward process. Text-searchable PDFs are the recommended format for uploaded documents, but Opus 2 can perform OCR on the documents as well.
In Opus 2, documents and transcripts are generally organized in folders in the Documents tab. These folders can be customized for any name or color desired by the user. Click on the New Folder button in the Documents tab toolbar to create a new folder.
Drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy for users to simply bring in documents and entire folders from their local drive into the Documents tab. Upload options: click on the destination folder and hit the Upload button located on the toolbar, which will allow you to click on Select Files and drill down to the desired documents on your local drive; OR, alternatively, drag and drop the files directly from the local drive directly into the preferred folder in the Opus 2 Documents tab, which will automatically trigger the Upload dialog.
Opening and Annotating Documents
To launch a document into its own tab, double click on the Document name in the list, OR click on its preview in the right-hand side preview pane. Once inside a document, users can annotate text. Simply drag your cursor over the desired text, which will then highlight the selected text in GREEN, and should launch the Notes dialog. In the Notes dialog, you can type in any desired text, add a Note Tag or send the Note to a specific user(s) in the workspace.
The process of applying Tags to either individual or multiple documents at a time is quick and simple. Tags are useful for marking documents to group them into specific categories or issues, or for further review, and are extremely helpful for sorting and organization in case collaboration and trial preparation.
Tagging Documents
There are a number of ways to tag documents in Opus 2, which can be achieved by toggling back to the Folder View of the documents in the Documents Tab:
- Tag a single document
- Tag a selection of documents
- Tag a folder (and subfolder contents)
Click to select a document (or multiple documents using Shift or Ctrl key) or a folder. Right-click and choose Add Tag (for single documents) OR Tag Folder (at the folder level) OR Add to and click Tag (for multiple document selections).
Tick the relevant tag (or multiple tags) and click Apply.
The documents will then be tagged to the selection. The User will be able to view the documents in the Tag folder view and Tag columns view.
Opus 2 Users can upload transcripts for collaborative work among the case team and/or with co-counsel and opposing counsel. Transcripts in Opus 2 offer helpful functionality for uploading and syncing deposition video, designating and annotating testimony, linking exhibits, sharing Notes and exporting full copies of the Transcript that include selected work product.
Importing Transcripts
To import a transcript, drag and drop an Opus 2-supported electronic transcript file (ASCII, LEF, LTX, MDB, PCF, PTF, TRN, XML) anywhere into the Import Transcript window, or click on Select a transcript and drill down to the file on your local drive. Once the transcript loads into the Import dialog, select the destination folder (it is recommended that a Transcripts folder first be created in the Documents tab so that all transcripts can be loaded to it), and set any relevant details, before hitting Save. Your transcript will then be uploaded.
Change or set transcript details by clicking on the desired transcript in the list and then using the Edit Transcript Properties option.
Click on any transcript name to open it in a new tab. Once inside a transcript, users can upload and sync video files, designate & annotate portions of testimony, run exports & link uploaded exhibits to their references within the transcript text. Drag your cursor over desired text to highlight it, which launches the Notes dialog, and add annotations, designations or links from here.
The Chronology tab allows users to build a fact log or case timeline, enabling the efficient management of different arguments, facts or themes in a single place. Create entries to corresponding to specific events in the case; link these entries to documents or characters within the workspace. Add metadata or issue tags to further organize your facts.
To start building your Chronology, click on the New Entry button in the toolbar, and fill in the dialog with any facts, categories and descriptions.
The new Characters feature enhances the platform's witness management capabilities. Characters worksheets serve as a centralized view of witnesses and key persons relevant to the case, along with related information and documents, and prepare witness binders in less time.
Quickly and easily capture and review relationships between your witness and key evidence with multi-directional linking. Add, remove and modify any information field and customize the layout exactly how you want it, and use advanced views such as worksheets and cards that offer different lenses to view your case information. We’ll be adding more views in future releases to provide even greater flexibility.
The Opus 2 Notes tab is the central repository for viewing, managing and creating reports for all annotations and designations within a workspace. Filter on any specific work product by categories such as author, recipient, transcript name or issue tags to locate and sort all related data and export out reports in three different formats: CSV, Word or PDF. Create video clips out of designated portions of testimony and export out these clips individually or as one continuous media file.
Opus 2 Users can search within documents and transcripts from the SEARCH tab. This pulls up ALL SEARCH HITS within any and all OCR'd or SEARCHABLE text within the workspace. Please note that this not include metadata; metadata can be searched from the FIND box in the Documents tab.
Basic Search
Enter a search term in the query box and results will be displayed below, including the resulting hits’ metadata.
NOTE: The Search tab is set up to accommodate special characters within search terms, including periods, commas, dashes and currency signs.
Click on a search term hit and the preview window will then display the document or transcript on the right side of the page. Click on the preview image to launch the full document in a new tab.