New tags can be created or edited in bulk using the Import CSV function in the Manage Tags dialog.

  1. In Opus 2, go to the Documents tab and click on the Manage Tags button.
  1. In the Manage Tags dialog, click on Tools and then select Import CSV.   
  1. In the Import Tags dialog, click “Select File” and then select the Tags CSV file from the local drive (ensure first that the file is saved as a CSV in Excel). Match on Label, and click Match.
  2. When creating NEW tags: Wait for the Match numbers to appear at the bottom to confirm the correct number of tags. Check the Create Tags checkbox, and then hit Import.
  3. When editing EXISTING tags with the CSV: ensure that the number of matches at the bottom of the dialog is consistent with the number of tags to be edited/number of tags in the CSV. Confirm that the column headers are correctly matched to the columns in the CSV, and hit Import. This will update the existing tags with any changes that were added in the CSV columns, and can be used to set up or revise tag nesting (adding/removing parent or child tags), color (using hex color codes) or type (setting a tag to be a Document Tag, Notes Tag or both).

   5. Once all tags are imported from the current Tags CSV file, clear the browser cache (Control+Shift+R) and go back to step 1 to repeat the process with the next Tags CSV file, until all relevant tags have been imported into Opus 2. (This applies if several set of Tags are to be imported.)


  • Tag Id – When creating new tags, this can be left blank as Opus 2 will assign a unique Tag ID to each new tag created. This ID can also be used to match column values to existing tags in a CSV import for editing an existing tag. NOTE: The Tag Id column must always be present in a Tag Import CSV even if the values are left blank.
  • Label – This value needs to be populated for each new tag and determines the name of that tag in Opus 2. The Tag Label can also be used to match column values to existing tags in a CSV import for editing an existing tag 
  • Color – This column contains the hex color code assigned to each tag. Can be left blank during the initial import; Opus 2 will assign the light yellow color (#fffdbb hex color code) by default. Users can assign this default value as well upon creating the CSV, and can change the color in Opus 2 at a later time.
  • Parent – This column determines whether a tag will be nested under a parent tag, or will be the parent tag itself/remain at home/top level. Leaving this blank ensures that the tag remains at the top/home level, while assigning a parent tag from the list of existing tags causes it to be nested under that specified tag.
  • Documents – This column determines with a “TRUE” value if the document is to be a Document Tag. Can be blank if the tag is to be set up as a Notes Tag only.
  • Notes – This column determines with a “TRUE” value if the document is to be a Notes Tag. Can be blank if the tag is to be set up as a Documents Tag only. Please note that a tag can be BOTH a documents and notes tag (with both columns containing a “TRUE” value.


- For nesting tags/setting up parent and child tags: All Parents at each level (from the home/top level downwards) need to be in Opus 2 before any of their respective child tags can be imported and/or nested. In order to correctly set up tag nesting, create the parent tags first, either manually or by using a CV file, and then use a second CSV to import in the child tags.

- Preparing the CSV file: it is strongly recommended that users perform an Export CSV of the Tags first, prior to creating their CSV for import, to ensure that the column names and formatting are correct and Opus 2-compatible. They can create a sample/dummy tag first, and then perform the CSV export, which will then be used to obtain the correct column headers, samples of what the values look like and the correct file formatting.