1. The Transcripts tab lists the transcripts and allows the Users to search the names of the transcripts via the Find box at the top of the screen. 

  2. The Links icon on the right of the transcript name lists all of the documents hyperlinked to the transcript.

  3. To access a transcript, click on the name of the transcript, and click on the Preview. This will launch the transcript into its own tab.

  4. There are a number of key features the User can access when working with Transcripts in Opus 2.

    1. They can grab text and apply notes and designations.
    2. Designations are explained in more detail in the Designations section.  The same functionalities that exist on documents also exist for transcripts.


Live Index
  • The User can use this feature to find words that appear in the transcript.
  • As the User types in a search term, it will display all the page:line references where it is found in the open transcript.
  • Using the cursor, hover over the references for context.
  • Opus 2 can provide a synchronized video record to support the transcript.
  • To listen back to any portion of testimony, simply double-click anywhere within the transcript.
  • Audio will begin to play and can be controlled (paused/stopped) from the player in the top-right of the screen.
  • The User can also choose whether the playback follows the text by checking/unchecking the Follow option at the top of the audio player.
  • All annotations on the current transcript will be shown in the bar on the right. This will update in real-time as new notes are made.
  • The User can use the Find section to search through the notes.
  • The User can also filter the view of notes using the following buttons:
  • All – shows all notes by all Users.
  • My Own – shows only notes authored by the User.
  • Filter – the User can select to view only notes by specific tags or authors.
Also, the User can set the annotations bar to show all notes on the current transcript, or the latest notes across the whole case.