The User must have System Admin rights to have the capability to archive a workspace.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Prior to archiving the workspace, go to the Admin tab of the selected workspace, and go to the Users page. Select all Users and click on Disable Workspace User from the menu that appears on the right side. This will deactivate all user access to the workspace.
  2. Go to the System Admin page and navigate to the Workspaces. Select the desired workspace by clicking on the checkbox next to its name. WARNING: Please ensure that ONLY your workspace has the box next to it checked, or other workspaces may be inadvertently selected for archiving.
  3. Click on the Tools button in the upper right corner of the Workspaces box, and select Archive.
  4. The Archive Workspace dialog box will pop up and prompt the user for an Archive Password to apply to the archive zip folder (NOTE: It is imperative that the password be kept safe as it will be needed to unarchive the workspace or upload the zip file into Opus 2 later; Opus 2 does NOT keep a record of this password and it CANNOT be reset).
  5. Click on the box to Include Native Media if the workspace contains video files for transcripts that should be included in the archive. Hit Apply to start archiving. A confirmation message will appear once the workspace has been added to the archiving list.
  6. Navigate to the Archive Manager tab to monitor the job’s progress. Here, the Status column will indicate when the archive is complete; this will change from “Added for Archiving” to “Archived."

WARNING: Please be sure keep a safe record of the archive password, as Opus 2 does not keep a history of this password. Once the archive is deleted from Archive Manager, the password is required to open the zip folder outside of Opus 2, and is also required to upload the folder into Opus 2 via the Upload Archive.

Archive and Download
Archive, Download & Delete
The workspace is taken offline and all contents are compressed into a zip file.
The workspace is taken offline, compressed into a zip file and exported out of Opus 2 into the User’s local drive. The file can be accessed offline or re-uploaded into Opus 2 at a later time. The archive remains in the Archive Manager and can later be unarchived or re-exported.
The workspace is taken offline, compressed into a zip file and exported out of Opus 2 into the User’s local drive; once deleted, the archive is removed permanently from Archive Manager and will no longer be accessible in Opus 2.
Accessible in Archive Manager?
Archive Password needed?
Is the data removed from the server?
No. All workspace files and work product are merely taken offline and compressed into a zip file.
No. All workspace files and work product are taken offline and compressed into a zip file, which can then be downloaded. The archive will also still be available in Archive Manager.
Yes. All workspace files and work product are permanently removed from Opus 2 but can be accessed locally through the downloaded zip file.
Can my data be restored later?
Yes. Clicking on Unarchive in Archive manager will fully restore the workspace.
Yes. Clicking on Unarchive in Archive manager will fully restore the workspace and any videos will remain synced with their respective transcripts after restoration.
Yes, via the Upload Archive option which allows the archive zip to be uploaded from the local drive back into Opus 2. Videos will need to be re-uploaded and re-synced with their respective transcripts.
Included in Billing Reports?
Yes. Billing reports display compressed volume size in the Archived Workspaces section.
Yes. Billing reports display compressed volume size in the Archived Workspaces section.
No; once deleted; billing reports will no longer reflect the volume for this workspace.

Archiving Best Practices

  1. Source Video Files. If you prefer all source video files (in .mpg format) to be available within your archive, ensure that the Include Native Media checkbox is selected in the Archive Workspace dialogue box, prior to starting the archiving process. However, please note that any MP4 files will NOT be included in the archive, regardless of whether this option is checked.
  2. Video Syncing with Transcripts after Archive Restoration.
    1. If a case is archived, but remains on the server, and then unarchived later, all videos will automatically remain synced with their respective transcripts. No further action is needed after unarchiving to ensure video sync.
    2. If a case is archived and deleted, and then uploaded and unarchived later, all videos will need to be re-uploaded and then re-synced with their respective transcripts.