There are several ways to create entries in the Chronology tab.

Step-by-step guide

  1. In the Chronology tab, click on New Entry in the menu bar on the top of the screen to access the New Entry dialog box. 
  2. Add relevant information about the item, apply tags and link to supporting documents in the New Entry dialog box.                                                                                                                                                          
    1. Type: Drop-down  menu includes default types (Fact, Meeting, Event, Letter, Email and  None) & any custom types.                 
    2. Status: Drop-down  menu includes Disputed, Undisputed and Not Set. If the User chooses Disputed,  the line will RED highlight. If User  chooses Undisputed, the line will GREEN highlight.                                                      
    3. Date: Drop-down  menu allows Users to specify Date status: On,  BeforeAfterRange and None.
    4. Time: Drop-down  menu includes multiple time zones.
    5. Tags: Users  can apply tag(s) to the entry.
    6. Description:  Users can apply a description of the entry, analysis and work product. NOTE: The Description field now accommodates rich text formatting, including bullets and bold/italic/underlined text. Users can maximize  customization of text in this field.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    7. Add a Source:  Users can link a source document(s) to the entry. The Sources column appears by default in the Chronology tab and  displays the source document(s) linked to an entry.
  3. Additionally, documents can be added to a Chronology from the Documents tab. Within the Documents tab columns viewright-click on a document or set of documents, and choose Add To Chronology.
  4. The User has the option to Select Chronology (if multiple chronologies exist), and either add the selected document(s) as a new entry or to an existing entry.
  5. To link a source document to a Chronology: In the Document view (within the document), after highlighting the desired text, click on the clock icon to add a link to this page to a Chronology.
  6. Click to select the entry to link to (a properly selected link will turn purple), and hit Apply.
  7. Once the Chronology entry is saved to the text, the clock icon will display on the note to indicate it is associated with a Chronology entry.


  • Create a New Entry: If added as a New Entry, fill out the relevant sections in the dialog box.
  • Select an Existing Entry: If added as an Existing Entry, click and blue highlight the entry in the Select A Chronology Entry dialog box.

Click Apply¸ and those documents will be added as Sources in the Chronology tab for that entry.