Quick & convenient application of designations & comments

With the Opus 2 7.1 release, we are pleased to introduce the new Bulk Designations Import & Export feature, which enhances the platform's transcript collaboration & management capabilities. Save time by applying designations and comments to multiple deposition transcripts all at once. Create new designation categories on the fly and use our import wizard to match and apply designations.

Bulk Designations Import

Setting up the XLS/XLSX import file

In order to set up a file that is compatible with Bulk Import Designations tool, each value to be imported in should be in its own separate column in Excel, with page and line values in separate columns, matching the format that is exported out of Opus 2. For instance, the first column should be the Transcript name, the next column should be start page number, the next should be start line number, followed by end page number, etc. See the example below:

Once all details are added in the correct format, save the file as an XLS or XLSX file. It is now ready for import.

Import Designations

In the Transcripts tab, click on the Bulk Designations Import button.

In the Import Designations dialog, drag and drop your import file, OR, click on the Select A File button to navigate through your local drive to locate and select your file.

Once the file is selected, each column header in the XLS/XLSX file will be matched with a corresponding Opus 2 field. Click on the downward arrow next to each column name if you would like to change the import header name selection:

Once the import file header names are correctly matched up with their Opus 2 counterparts, click Next.

This leads to the Transcripts dialog. Here, the Transcript names from the import file are matched up with their possible counterparts in Opus 2. NOTE: If the transcript was not imported to Opus prior to the import attempt, no match will be found in this dialog.


BEST PRACTICE: Carefully check for correct matching with transcript dates, particularly for multi-volume transcripts, as the designations may be applied to the wrong volume if the dates are not checked.

Hit Next once all Transcripts are correctly matched.

This leads to Designation Types. Match up the import file Designation Type values with their corresponding ones in Opus 2; choose from the list of existing types by clicking on the downward arrow. 


If the Designation Type does not yet exist in Opus 2 and is not on the list, you can create it by selecting the option Additional Actions > "Create designation in Opus 2" from the bottom of the drop-down list.

Once the Designation Types are correctly matched up, hit Next.

You are now ready to view the Import Summary page. Review all the details displayed prior to hitting Save, which then starts the applications of Designations and Comments.

A status window will appear, displaying the progress of the task.

Once this process completes, you should now be able to view your Designations and Comments within their respective Transcripts.

Import Errors

If any of the Designations or Comments are not applied for any reason, an error report will be produced and can be downloaded as a CSV.


Importing NEW Comments AND Designations at the same time:

The Bulk Designations Import tool allows users to create NEW designations and comments together. 

  • Ensure that the designation is listed separately and placed BEFORE the comments (placing the comment row BEFORE the designation will result in a broken annotation).
  • The rows with the comments need to include the exact same information (start page and line, end page and line, transcript name, designation type) as the designation listed above it.
  • You can have multiple comment rows listed under a designation, if multiple comments are to be added.

Below is a sample of a correctly formatted spreadsheet used to import in a new set of comments and designations together.


Transcript Name


Start Page

Start Line

End Page

End Line


Bangs, Martin







Bangs, Martin






Free test annotation comment testing

Bangs, Martin







Bangs, Martin






Free test annotation comment testing

Bangs, Martin






Free test annotation comment testing – 2nd comment

Bangs, Martin







Bangs, Martin






Free test annotation comment testing

Once your file is ready, proceed to follow all of the above steps for using the Bulk Designations Import tool to bring the designations and comments in your file into the transcript(s).

The new set of designations and comments will be applied together. The below example corresponds to rows 7 & 8 in the sample spreadsheet: