This document lists, in detail, the capabilities associated with the DEFAULT roles within your Opus 2 workspace.

Please note that CUSTOM ROLES can also be created anytime with a selection of the capabilities detailed below.


Workspace Administrators have full access to the Admin Tab and the left-hand Admin Tab menu, as well as to Admin Tools options in the other Opus 2 tabs:

  1. Administrate the workspace: manages (add, edit, delete) user accounts, roles and groups.
  2. Manage all files in the workspace, including access to all files and folders.
    1. They can edit metadata and document properties.
    2. They can delete documents or move them to another folder/location.
    3. They can set security permissions to folders and files.
  3. Able to view all documents in the workspace.
  4. Able to annotate content and create and edit notes/annotations.
    1. They can edit any note (including designations, comments and note tags).
    2. They can allow users to edit other user's notes. WARNING: Please use this capability with caution, as work product should not be edited by other users.
  5. Manage tags and tag documents.
    1. They can access the "Manage Tags" capability, and create, edit and delete types of tags.
    2. They can apply tags to documents.
  6. Manage document relationships: access the Manage Relationships tool to mark duplicates, translations and families.
  7. Access Admin tools: access the Admin page to manage the following:
    1. Roles, users and groups. 
    2. Create, delete and edit metadata fields and their settings.
    3. Create and revise Document Stamps.
    4. Access the Recovery page to restore deleted tags, designations and comments.
    5. Manage Workspace Settings for display, export and user capabilities.
  8. View the Workspace Billing page.
  9. Load new documents and transcripts.
  10. Manage Designation and Comment types (create, apply, edit and delete types of designations and comments).
  11. Create, edit and view Chronology entries.
  12. Export documents out of the workspace and export CSVs of document metadata at folder level.
  13. Export the native versions of documents.
  14. Access the REDACTION tool to redact documents, if the feature is turned on in the workspace.
  15. Automatically view any Custom Agreement set up in the workspace.
  16. Access to the Bulk Organize tool.
  17. View and access duplicates (whenever the Duplicates Analysis feature is turned on in the workspace).
  18. Configure, view and edit worksheets in the Characters tab, if Characters is enabled in the workspace.


Power User - Power Users, by default, cannot view or access the Admin Tab or Admin Tools options; this is their default view, for example, for the Documents tab:

  1. Manage files in the workspace, including access to all files and folders.
    1. They can edit metadata and document properties.
    2. They can delete documents or move them to another folder/location.
  2. Able to view all documents in the workspace.
  3. Able to annotate content and create notes and annotations (BUT CANNOT EDIT OR DELETE other users' notes).
  4. Manage tags and tag documents.
    1. They can access the "Manage Tags" capability, and create, edit and delete types of tags.
    2. They can apply tags to documents.
  5. Manage document relationships: access the Manage Relationships tool to mark duplicates, translations and families.
  6. Load new documents and transcripts.
  7. Manage Designation and Comment types (create, apply, edit and delete types of designations and comments).
  8. Create, edit and view Chronology entries.
  9. Export documents out of the workspace and export CSVs of document metadata at folder level.
  10. Automatically view any Custom Agreement set up in the workspace.
  11. View and access duplicates (whenever the Duplicates Analysis feature is turned on in the workspace).
  12. Configure, view and edit worksheets in the Characters tab, if Characters is enabled in the workspace.


User -like Power Users, Users also cannot view or access the Admin tab and Admin Tools. See the above screenshot for Power Users to see the default view of a User in the Documents tab.

  1. Able to view all documents in the workspace.
  2. Able to annotate content and create notes and annotations (BUT CANNOT edit other users' notes).
  3. Manage tags and tag documents.
    1. They can access the "Manage Tags" capability, and create, edit and delete types of tags.
    2. They can apply tags to documents.
  4. Upload new documents and transcripts.
  5. View Chronology entries.
  6. Export documents out of the workspace.
  7. Automatically view any Custom Agreement set up in the workspace.
  8. View and edit worksheets in the Characters tab, if Characters is enabled in the workspace.


  1. Viewer
    1. Able to view all documents in the workspace.
    2. Able to view Chronology entries.
    3. Able to view worksheets in the Characters tab, if Characters is enabled in the workspace.
    4. Automatically view any Custom Agreement set up in the workspace.


Workspace Billing

  1. View the Workspace Billing page.