
Opus 2 Users can search within documents and transcripts from the SEARCH tab. This pulls up ALL SEARCH HITS within any and all OCR'd or SEARCHABLE text within the workspace. Please note that this not include metadata; metadata can be searched from the FIND box in the Documents tab.

Basic Search

Enter a search term in the query box and results will be displayed below, including the resulting hits’ metadata.

(Please contact Admin to customize the set of metadata in the Search view.)

NOTE: The Search tab is set up to accommodate a number of special characters within search terms, including periods, commas, dashes and currency signs.

Click on a search term hit and the preview window will then display the document or transcript on the right side of the page. Click on the preview image to launch the full document in a new tab.

Opus 2 offers several options for sorting the search results:

        Relevance will sort to display the most relevant search results.

Date will display results in chronological order (if this data exists in Opus 2).

Document Name will display results in alphabetical order.