Opus 2 offers an extensive color palette for assigning colors to your Document and Note Tags. While this allows for maximum flexibility, there may be times in which you must select specific  colors or assign the same color across multiple tags. 

Assigning Tag Colors Upon Import

Use this process if you have already created Tags within  your Opus 2 workspace but need to standardize or change the colors associated  with Tags in bulk.

1. From within the Documents tab, click on the Tags  button to expose the Manage Tags dialogue box.

2. Click the Tools drop down menu and choose Export  CSV.

3. Open the downloaded CSV file and edit the Color  column to indicate the desired colors for each tag.

    · Tag colors can be assigned based on one of two  color palettes:

    o Hex  values

                · For instance, you can use the hex value #FF0000  for red

                · A color hex code describes the composition of a  certain color in a specific color.

    o HTML  Color Names (includes 140 colors)

                · For instance, you can use the color “Red” or  “HotPink”

                · Full list with Hex values available at

4. Go back to Opus 2 and now choose Import CSV. 

5. Within the Import Tags dialogue box, browse to  your saved CSV file. Click Match and Opus 2 will match up the new CSV file with  the Tags in Opus 2 by their Tag ID. 

6. Click Import. Opus 2 will confirm when import is  complete. 

7. Close the Manage Tags dialogue box and refresh  the page. Click on the Tags button and the color of the tags will be changed. 

Step 2 - Click the Tools drop down menu and choose Export CSV.

Step 3 - Open the downloaded CSV file and edit the Color column to indicate the desired colors for each tag.

Step 4 - Go back to Opus 2 and now choose Import CSV.