Metadata in load files can be applied to an entire workspace, a specific folder, or to a specific set of tagged documents that can selected or sorted by the Tag.
Step-by-step guide
- Select the Import Metadata function through the right-click menu. Click on Select File and browse to the correct CSV file that contains the metadata from the local drive. Please note that CSV is the accept format for all metadata imports.
- Make a selection between FOLDER or TAG for matching the contents of the load file in Opus 2. The respective dialogue boxes will pop up after a selection is made, allowing the user to drill down to the exact folder or tag of choice. If no selection is made, the import defaults to searching for matches in the ENTIRE WORKSPACE.
- Opus 2 will automatically begin matching documents once the load file has been selected; matched rows will turn green in the Import Metadata CSV dialogue box. If necessary, click Match to (re)start the Matching process. The Import Metadata CSV tool will search to find matches between the specified field in Opus 2 and the CSV load file field.
Document matches will be displayed on the rightmost column. Uncheck the right checkbox(es) to not apply metadata to a specific document.
On the bottom left, Opus 2 lists the following CSV data: # Entries; # Matched; # Multiple Matches.
- # Entries: Number of lines should match the CSV
- # Matched: Number of matches found within Opus 2
- # Multiple Matches: Number of multiple matches found within Opus 2
Click on the Import button to start the import process. A "working" status box will display the number of documents updated and the rows will turn dark green once successfully imported. (Please note: The unticked box is not included in the import.) The box will automatically close once the import is complete, and a confirmation message will pop up indicating the import is done.