With Opus 2 7.2, OnPremise users are now able to access the Network Video option in the Upload Video dialog, which makes the addition of transcript video files faster and more efficient.

This allows users to mount a network drive to the Opus 2 server containing the relevant deposition videos. Videos can then be directly selected from the network drive, eliminating the need for video files to be separately downloaded and then uploaded. 

NOTE: This option is not turned on by default and will need to be activated with the assistance of Opus 2 Support. Please reach out to Opus 2 Support or Client Success for assistance if you would like this to be made available on your server.

To begin, mount the network drive containing the videos and ensure that all videos are in the Opus 2-compatible MPEG or MP4 format.

Go into any transcript and click on Tools (wrench icon) > Upload Video.

In the Video Upload dialog, click on Select Files from Network.

Check the box that corresponds to the desired video file(s), and once selected, hit Upload.

A confirmation messsage will appear, informing users that the videos are now in process.