The Admin tab > Workspace Settings page allows workspace admin users to select more granular specifications for the different areas of functionality within Opus.


The ENABLE FEATURES section allows you to turn certain optional, workspace-specific Opus 2 functions on. If the specific feature is listed within this section, this would mean they need to be turned on at the workspace level, and are not server-wide. 

  • Calendar - Allows access to the Calendar tab. If box is unchecked, the workspace will not contain a Calendar tab.
  • Characters - Allows access to Characters worksheets. If box is unchecked, workspace will not display the Characters tab.
  • Duplicates Analysis (beta) - Turns on Duplicates Analysis, which searches through documents for possible duplicates and displays a duplicates (orange pages icon) icon next to documents with possible duplicates. Please note this is in BETA mode and does not function as granularly as to filter out or group together duplicate documents; it only serves as an identifying feature.
  • Redaction - Turns on the option to redact documents (does not apply to transcripts).
  • Timeline (beta) - Turns on the Timeline feature within the Chronology tab that allows for Chronology entries to be displayed in timeline view by date. Once turned on, the Timeline button will appear in the Chronology tab toolbar.
  • Two-Factor Authentication on registration - Applies two-factor authentication to all users added to the workspace.
  • Watermarking - Turns on the option to apply a watermark to documents.
  • Enable Integration - Turns on the Relativity Integration feature. (*For more details on the feature, please contact Opus 2 Client Success at


DISPLAY offers options for the formatting of certain tabs in Opus 2.

  • Transcripts Page Format - Controls the display of the Transcripts tab. Select to have the Transcripts tab appear as a "Flat List" (default layout, in which the transcripts are listed alphabetically within the Transcripts tab) or "As With Documents" (folder view similar to the Documents Tab). Defaults to Flat List.


EXPORT options cover the settings specific to all exports within the workspace.

  • Include 'Document Name' in Export File Name - Adds the full document name to the file name of all exported documents.
  • Target Reference Text Color - Allows for the selection of font color for all hyperlinks within an exported document; the default selection is Red.


  • Clipboard Reference - Allows the option to construct links for the Clipboard function, which allows data to be copied from documents in Opus. Metadata fields can be selected here to be included in the link.
  • Table CSS - Allows for a better experience for building larger workspace data in the browser. (*Please reach out to the Opus 2 Support Team for more details on this feature and prior to making changes.)


EMAIL options cover settings related to all Opus 2-generated email notifications sent to users registered within the workspace.

  • Email Conversion Timezone - Allows for the selection of a default timezone to be applied to emails. Defaults to UTC.
  • Show Timezone (On Converted PDF) - If turned on, the timezone will be displayed with timestamps on converted PDFs.


FILES cover settings related to NATIVE documents in Opus.

  • Disable Download of Natives - If option is checked/turned on, users will not have the ability to download native files in their original format out of the Documents tab.
  • Play MP4 files in the browser - Allows for uploaded video files to be played within the browser, in a separate tab. (This applies to video files uploaded as documents, and not deposition videos uploaded to transcripts). When turned off/deselected, videos will open and play within the user's default media player, outside of the browser.


LINKS cover options related to the behavior of all links contained within documents and exports in Opus 2.

  • Convert bookmarks to hyperlinks on upload by default - If turned on/checked, all bookmarks set within documents uploaded to Opus will be converted to hyperlinks.
  • Target Reference Font Size - Adjusts font size for the hyperlink references that can be turned on in the right-side margin of the document viewer. Defaults to 12.
  • Show user links as hyperlinks on documents - Links to other documents are displayed as hyperlinks on documents.
  • Show user links as hyperlinks on transcripts - Links to exhibits and other documents are displayed as hyperlinks on transcripts.


TAGS cover options related to the set up and display of all tags within Opus 2.

  • Automatically Tag Documents When Annotated - Allows the automatic application of a Document Tag to the document itself whenever an annotation with a Note Tag is applied to the same document. For instance, if a Note is created within a document with the Note Tag "Hot", then the document itself will also be tagged as "hot."
  • Consolidate Tags when more than - Set limit on number of Tags added to a document for individual Tag icons to still show in columns; past this set number, only the final NUMBER of Tags will be displayed in Tag column, not the Tag icons.
  • Display Tag Names as Text - Full names of tags are listed in the Documents tab > Columns, instead of just the Tag icons. If turned off/deselected, only the tag color icons will show in the columns.
  • Display Full Path of Tags on Hover - When hovering cursor over Tag icons in the Documents tab, full path of Tags appears.
  • Preserve Custom Bundle Tags - UK mode only; does not apply to US Opus 2 versions.


  • Enable Autolink Defaults - If turned on/selected, all documents uploaded with hyperlinks to other documents in Opus 2 get Autolinked automatically without a user having to manually apply Autolink.

BEST PRACTICE: Please note that when changes are made to workspace settings, the SAVE CHANGES button needs to be clicked in order to apply the changes.