Opus 2 Users can upload transcripts by in either the Documents tab or Transcript tab.

Step-by-step guide

  1. In either the Documents or Transcripts tab, the User can click on the Import Transcript button.
  2. Drag and drop a Opus 2-supported electronic transcript file (ASCII, LEF, LTX, MDB, PCF, PTF, TRN, XML) anywhere into the Import Transcripts window. Users may also click on Select a transcript and drill down to the file on their local drive. 
  3. Once the transcript has finished parsing, select the destination folder for the transcript (see Best Practices section below for details) and apply the appropriate deponent metadata for the transcript. Hit Save.             
  4. If the desired destination folder does not yet exist in Opus 2, users may also create one within the Import Transcript dialog box via the New Folder option. Click on the Change button next to Transcript Destination at the top of the dialog. 
  5. Users may also select or create a folder for exhibits that accompany the chosen transcript. Click on the Change button next to Exhibit Destination at the top of the dialogue.

Best Practices for Transcripts

  • Select the destination folder for the transcript. We recommend creating a “Transcript” folder to help organize all transcripts uploaded to the workspace. 
  • To assign a destination folder: Click on the Change button next to Transcript Destination, which opens up the Transcript Destination dialogue box. Drill down to the desired folder, select and click Apply. Same process applies for Exhibits.
  • A new folder can be created from within the Import Transcript box and assigned as the destination folder for either exhibits or transcripts, or both. Click on the “Change” button next to Transcript Destination or Exhibits Destination, and select “New Folder” on the bottom left of the Destination box. Type in your preferred name for the new folder and click Apply.
  • To make these selected or newly created folders the default destination for ALL transcript or exhibit uploads during your current browser session, check the box next to Make default destination
  • Apply page numbering for testimony start and end that accurately matches the original transcript. TIP: The actual testimony starts with the "VIDEOGRAPHER" introduing the deponent; running a search for the word "Videographer" in the transcript can help determine the start of testimony.                                                          
    • If transcript consists of only 1 volume: First page number will be “1.”
    • If transcript has more than one volume: First page number will most likely start where the previous volume ends. This means the first page number may be a higher number.
    • Testimony Start Page: The first page where the deponent's testimony actually begins.
    • Testimony End Page: The last page where actual deponent testimony ends.